Implementing Model Semantics and a (MB)SE Ontology in the Civil Engineering & Construction Sector

Speaker: Henrik Balslev
Venue: Hamburg (June 1st 2015), Copenhagen (June 2nd 2015), Stockholm (June 3nd 2015), Helsinki (June 4th 2015)

In the period from 2010 – 2014, the Danish Building Construction Sector has implemented a model semantics and ontology by means of Systems Engineering as the new ‘common language’ in the building construction sector. The project is anchored in the public and EU supported “cuneco project”. develops the common basis for digitalized cooperation in construction, operation and maintenance to increase efficiency and productivity through enhanced exchange of information. To allow maximum simplicity yet unlimited flexibility, systems and their constituents are identified and classified to be used consistently over the lifecycle of the component and suitable for IT support. The system-of-systems principle is a fundamental approach to achieve unambiguous identification based on the – Reference Designation System principles as defined in ISO/IEC 81346 standard series. Currently, the Danish result is used to update the essential parts of 81346 standard series, thereby introducing this model semantics to the building construction sector via that international standard. The result has lately (2015) created major interest from the German, Swedish and Norwegian building sector.

Henrik Balslev Profile Photo 2014
Henrik Balslev was born in 1965 and completed his engineering degree in 1988. His career has been in consulting engineering, where he a held a wide range of management, project leading and technical jobs. Since 2010, Henrik has been working as an independent specialist providing concepts to handle large and complex designs of systems. Today, by using international standards and know-how from governance, Henrik is president of INCOSE Denmark, and acts as a convenor of several international standards relevant for Systems Engineering.

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