Discover and define the SE need for your future business

Speaker: Sven-Olaf Schulze / Dr. Daniel Steffen (UNITY AG)
Venue: Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen

Enterprises and market needs are changing. Business models and System-of-Systems are influencing the engineering world. IoT, connected houses, Industry 4.0 and autonomous systems and still the change from mechanical to more software and electrical solutions are driving the engineering community towards Systems Engineering application. Either thinking about to start with Systems Engineering or increasing the level of maturity two questions have to be answered, “What is the effort and cost versus benefit” and “What is the SE focus area for this future change?”. For this reason, a “Quick Check” was developed, a pragmatic instrument with which product development in companies can be analyzed and tailored in order to lay the foundation for the introduction or targeted optimization of individually coordinated Systems Engineering. As shown in a variety of applications in companies, the approach can be used to determine an SE maturity level and an individual SE target in the shortest possible time. Based on this, measures can be defined and implemented directly to achieve the SE target image.

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